Monday, May 25, 2020

The Effects Of Immigration On The United States - 751 Words

A few weeks ago, a picture about a dead boy in the beach let us pay attention to Migration waves. Governments have to consider how to limit migration trends because they think a large number of immigrants will lead to a terrible effect on local residents. Based on this point, some countries adopted some strategies to limit migration. They reduced some benefits and increased the difficulty to immigrants. Even some governments such as Japan government refuse to people to immigrate. Even though immigrants bring some benefits, governments are still afraid of the negative impact of immigration on the following three aspects: local market, wages and social stability. However, some facts and research show the terrible effect is not significant to these parts. And immigrants also bring some benefits to local residents. A traditional viewpoint on immigration is that foreign population will have a terrible effect on native people to get fewer opportunities to find work. Some people believe imm igration will bring a huge impact on local markets because their requirements of jobs are always lower than the local residents’ requirements. It means they will get more chance than local people. However, a survey from Michel J. Greenwood about US immigration shows the influence of immigration to local markets does not have appreciable effects. In this survey, he said a possible explanation about why immigrants do not influence on local people was that immigrants were not distributed inShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Immigration On The United States1434 Words   |  6 PagesAlthough, there are many different approaches in viewing the immigration reform in the United States. Immigration can be seen as a much more complex issue than just what meets the human eye. Most immigrants do not cross the border solely because they are looking to break the law, they do so because they are attempting to seek better opportunities and lifestyle for themselves and their families. There is a strong concern in the United States that immigrants will replace American workers and reduce ourRead MoreImmigration Effects On United States1943 Words   |  8 PagesChauntel Clay Professor Kuzmack 12/7/2014 Research Paper Immigration Effects on United States Immigration has been a topic of discussion since the beginning of time. The question to let immigrants in or not to. Even till this day President Obama is still facing the immigration problems and whether to reform it or not. That should not be the problems since our country was started with Immigrants. The only people who were here were the Native Americans. So is it fair to say that we should not keepRead MoreThe Effects Of Immigration On The United States Essay799 Words   |  4 Pagesyears, a lot has been spoken and researched about immigration. The goods are moving in out of the countries more freely as globalization has taken its stand. Not only goods, but people also move about more freely than before. Effects of immigration Immigration can have some positive impacts as well as some negative ones. Both the hosts and originals are affected by it. The countries which are industrialized in Western Europe or the United states are usually more of the recipient ones. The followingRead MoreThe Effects Of Immigration On The United States847 Words   |  4 Pagesrefugee crisis, there has been an influx of anti-immigration rhetoric, most of which identifies immigrants and refugees as criminal. This has brought to light an ongoing debate: is there a crime-immigration nexus? This paper will explore data from various studies that have examined not only a negative relationship between crime rates and immigration, but also evidence of protective and generational effects of immigration. Arguing that immigration reduces crime rates rather than increases it, it willRead MoreThe Effects Of Immigration On The United States887 Words   |  4 PagesThe number of immigrants, legal or illegal, living in the United States has fluctuated over the years, but it does not hide the fact that the American Dream still acts as a beacon to foreigners. People believe coming to America is the key to a better life. With the overflow of our new neighbors, we transform from a single society into a mixture of several cultures. Immigration is causing America to become a tossed salad society (a society in which ethnic and racial groups maintain separate identitiesRead MoreThe Effects Of Immigration On The United States752 Words   |  4 Pagesbecause they think a large number of immigrants will lead to a terrible effect on local residents. Based on this point, some countries adopted some strategies to limit migration. They reduced some benefits and increased the difficulty to immigrants. Even some governments such as Japan government refuse to people to immigrate. Even though immigrants bring some benefits, governments are still afraid of the negative impact of immigration on the following three aspects: local market, wages and social stabilityRead MoreThe Effects Of Immigration On The United States1006 Words   |  5 Pagesimmigrants claim that the government has become stricter on immigration. Some claim they have experience discrimination due to the a ttacks. The public developed a negative attitude about influence in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks. A survery reveilved that half of Americans said tighter immigration policy would do a great deal to enhance U.S. national security. Harvard political scientist Samuel P. Huntington argued that if massive immigration were to continue from Latin America, especially MexicoRead MoreThe Effects Of Mexican Immigration On The United States1252 Words   |  6 PagesRUNNING HEAD: IMMIGRATION POLICY Immigration Policy in the United States: The Effects of Immigration on the Legal, Native Workforce Christopher R. Surfus, MBA, MPA Western Michigan University School of Public Affairs and Administration PADM-6840 Management of Public Financial Resources Professor Robert Peters, Ph.D. December 3, 2015 Immigration Policy in the United States: The Effects of Mexican Immigration on the Legal Workforce ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION ImmigrationRead MoreThe Effects Of Immigration On The United States888 Words   |  4 Pages Immigration can be defined as: the movement from one country to another country. Immigration had two major impacts on the US: on the labor market and especially on the politics of race. The black rebellions of the 1960s created a political crisis for the government of US on the adequate response to black rebellions. Daniel Patrick Moynihan and President Johnson proposed two different policies to resolve black poverty. Moynihan’s reason as to why black poverty exists is due to the pathology ofRead MoreIllegal Immigration And Its Effects On The United States1327 Words   |  6 PagesChris Boyd Professor Green September 17th, 2015 English 1A Illegal Immigration and its Effects on the United States One of the biggest issues facing the United States is the issue of illegal immigration. Recently, this topic has been heavily discussed in the presidential debates thanks to candidate Donald Trump, but exactly what is illegal immigration and how is it effecting us as citizens of the US? There are many aspects to this issue ranging from an economic standpoint to a moral standpoint so

Friday, May 15, 2020

Essay about Effective Communication and Team Building Efforts

Making a Change The leader has to learn and develop a sound knowledge in communication skill which will enable him or her to build an excellent team in his organization because without effective communication, they will be description in organizational goal, stress, confusion and frustration between the leader and the members of the team and can lead to reduction in organizational success. The leader has to have open communication skill to facilitate and support the change process because every staff will react differently to any organizational change. As this time, provide excellent training and make ensure every members of the team are pulling in the same direction because The major role of a leader is to guide and lead† according to†¦show more content†¦Despite the leaders’ best efforts to present the organizational changes in a positive way, they might encounter some challenges and resistance within team members because every team members might not perceive the organization al change the same way. As a result, the leader has to actively involving the team members who resist change by incorporating some of their input and feedback in the change process. This will help reduce their resistance, according to Dianna (2006). Application of Change Theory Due to recent problem identified in national staffing association Inc. (NSA) is a break in communication, that lead to lack of continuation of care some of the clients we serve. There was a change in clients plan of care (POC) as the Medicaid continue to titrate or reduce clients benefit that is ongoing now in any organization, the director of nursing (DON) got the intake from Lisa that is Medicaid representative, pass the information to case manager, pass it to case coordinator where it got lost. This vital information was never pass to the nursing supervisor, visiting nurse none home health aide (HHA) who will assist this client for activities of daily living (ADL). This problem was on unit client family called the Medicaid office and Lisa called the office. It was during theShow MoreRelatedTeam Building And Development Team1518 Words   |  7 Pages Team Building and Development It takes extraordinary leadership to assemble great teams. Leaders who are not reluctant to course right, making challenging choices and launch principles of implementation that are continually being met – and enhancing them at all times. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Cecilia s Death The Virgin Suicides - 976 Words

It is evident that Cecilia’s death is an influential event, especially to those close to her, in the passage from pages 152-153 on Jeffrey Euginides’ The Virgin Suicides. The author shows how Cecilia’s suicide attempts led to more frightening events; the deaths of her sisters. Cecilia’s death did not remain mysterious, but became the explanation for her sisters’ suicides. The people in the Lisbon’s community did not remain curious as to what caused Cecilia’s death because they think that it is better to stop future incidents. The people of the community think that Cecilia and her suicides are the reasons for the death of the remaining Lisbon girls. In order to express the influence of Cecilia and her suicide in relation to her sisters, the author accentuates the idea of the uncanny with the use of unrelated metaphors, such as cooking and disease, and imagery. The uncanny in this passage is expressed as something that is dark, uncomfort able, weird and dangerous. In this passage, the author conveys the claim with at least two formal elements. The first element that I will be talking about in this essay is metaphor. With the authors’ use of unrelated metaphors, the weirdness of the situation is emphasized. The author compares Cecilia’s suicide attempt to â€Å"cooking in the broth of her own blood†. Cooking can sometimes be dangerous. While cooking, there’s a chance of cutting yourself. Cecilia’s actions are similar to cooking because the way she did her first attempt at suicide isShow MoreRelatedAn Analysis Of Jeffrey Eugenides The Virgin Suicides And Edith Pearlman s `` Honeydew ``1616 Words   |  7 PagesJeffrey Eugenides’ The Virgin Suicides and Edith Pearlman’s â€Å"Honeydew† display how women are constantly suppressed by men s actions, while capturing the reaction women have to their suffering. The Virgin Suicides illustrates the five Lisbon sisters who are outcasts within their ‘cookie cutter’ community, constantly being watched by the neighborhood boys, and eventually they kill themselves because of the confinement the boys create. Meanwhile in â€Å"Honeydew† Emily an anorexic girl is isolated becauseRead MoreThe Virgin Suicides1588 Words   |  7 Pagesï » ¿How does the Sofia Coppola, in The Virgin Suicides, use a range of stylistic features (film techniques) to display the movies themes and with what effect on the audience? INTRO: Director Sofia Coppola uses a range of film techniques to display themes of obsession, the superficiality of vision and isolation from the real world in her film The Virgin Suicides. Through use of symbolism, characterization, setting and techniques specific to a film such a soundtrack, Coppola is able to constructRead MoreJeffrey Eugenides s The Virgin Suicides2263 Words   |  10 PagesEugenides’s The Virgin Suicides would be its first person-plural narrative voice. Literary scholars have often addressed the issue of the narrative voice and the effect that having multiple narrators has on the story. In her article ‘A story we could live with’ Narrative voice, the Reader, and Jeffrey Eugenides’s The Virgin Suicides Debra Shostak addresses how the â€Å"we† inadvertently draws attention to the â€Å"otherness† of the Lisbon girls. 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These female characters are all shown to be powerless, whether it be at the hands of their obsessor or because of other factors in their lives. In The Great Gatsby and The Virgin Suicides, the theme of obsession is prevalent. It is shown through Gatsby’s obsession with Daisy and the boys obsession withRead MoreThe Virgin Suicides By Jeffrey Eugenides2468 Words   |  10 PagesSuicide is something that is influenced by a multitude of factors. It is a complicated topic and is often overlooked, in fact it needs to be talked about and researched much more. The Virgin Suicides, by Jeffrey Eugenides, is a book about suicide and how it can affect not only the victims but also an entire town. In the book, five sisters commit suicide over time through the influence of many factors in their lives. The book presents how suicide can destroy a family and how it is something peopleRead MoreTragedy : The Soul Of Tragedy940 Words   |  4 Pagesforms an idea of the character’s actual character. The Virgin Suicides by Jeffrey Eugenides, Directed by Sofia Coppola is a perfect example: The story of five adolescent girls is describes like so- In Aristotle’s terms it is arguable that Lux, Bonnie, Cecilia, Theresa, and Mary Lisbon were both the plot and participating characters. Without following their life and connecting to them to try and understand what caused the action of suicide, there would by no plot- no soul to this tragedy. The story

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Time Management Eisenhower Matrix

Question: Discuss about the Time Managementfor Eisenhower Matrix. Answer: Introduction In todays busy world, with hectic schedules and engagements, it is impossible to keep track of time. An individual often faces the difficulty to efficiently manage the resource of time. As a result, time management gets disrupted, leading to the loss of opportunity to learn something new. Taking this point into consideration, the chief objective of the report is to make the readers understand the importance and necessity of time management and how this can be effectively done to utilise the resource of time. In the first section of the report, five theoretical concepts of time are elaborately discussed. This is done to properly explain the action steps which are taken, clarifying the necessity of time management for everyone. The second section is reflective. It assesses the concepts of time which are taken to elucidate the action plan, attempting to evaluate the usefulness of the theories. It also attempts to analyse whether the theories have been useful to fulfil the particular overall aim. Necessity ofTimeManagement It is important to know the art of time management. An individual need to understand how to conduct every important task and also to make time for other less important engagements. It is true that the most important work should be given topmost priority, however, the little, seemingly trivial tasks also need attention. In order to do this, the first and the most foremost thing which needs to be done, a to-do-list can be used to keep track of the tasks, assignments which demand most priority, this point leads to the importance of prioritisation (Cao et al. 2013). It is interesting to note that in spite of the differences, there is one visible similarity among all the theories of time management and that is prioritization, importance must be given based on necessity and necessity. The Eisenhower Matrix The theory of Eisenhower manages time by dividing the work/activities based on its importance and urgency. Chiefly four types of work are considered this is based on the rate of urgency and importance. The first type of work falls under the category of most important and urgent. This work is very much important which needs to be completed within a specific span of time. It can be a particular assignment, preparation for the examination, making short term planning and such. The theory states that this kind of work needs to be conducted as soon as it is assigned (Liu Li, 2014). The next section of work is important but not urgent, such as exercise, calling family and close people, planning long-term strategy, researching. In spite of being comparatively less urgent, these works are important and therefore needs to be performed after completing the most important tasks. The third type refers to the work which is not important but needs to be urgently done. This indicates the work such as booking flights, making reservations, replying emails and such (Look, Hodges Schiffman, 2014). Hence, for this kind of work, less time must be used. Lastly, the fourth section refers to the work which is not important neither urgent, therefore should be done when all the other three kinds of tasks are completed are completed by the individual. Making phone calls, being active on social sites are some examples. This method of time management is very much helpful to complete the important tasks or responsibilities by eliminating the unnecessary activities. The Pareto Principle The Pareto principle is thought to be the most effective useful method of time management. It teaches the technique to use the least amount of time to get the maximum results. It holds an 80/20 equation rule. Based on the theory, it is opined that 20% of inputs can lead to 80% of outputs. In simple terms, the theory suggests that an individual need to make a list of the most important things which needs be done and out of those, the individual needs to perform the two which are the most important ones (Pilgrim et al. 2014). However, in order to do this the individual need to have the justifiable sense to select the most important tasks. This enables the individual not only to get the desired outcome but also helps the individual to get the required amount of time necessary to do the other tasks, including the less important events. This time management process is much helpful to conduct important tasks especially when there is a scarcity of time. It allows the individual to be practical and calculative which enables the individual to achieve a maximum outcome with minimal effort. For example, a student learning the most important questions for an examination (Utvik Jahre-Nilsen, 2016). A manager concentrating out of the ten activities chooses to concentrate on the activities which are most important at the present moment, it is very helpful to construct and fulfil short-term goals and objectives. Coveys TimeManagementMatrix (Time Quadrants) The fact that time management can be effectively conducted is also supported by Coveys time theory. The theory divides activities into four sections, also referred to quadrants. The quadrant 1 is known as the necessity quadrant, tasks which are most urgent and important need to be given first priority and must be performed irrespective of the circumstance. The quadrant 3 is known as the deception quadrant, refers to the activities which are urgent but are less important such as making calls, attending emails. It is due to the urgency which makes the work seem important. Quadrant 4 is the waste quadrant, refers to activities which are neither important nor urgent but still most of the time is spent on them. The quadrant 2 is the opportunity quadrant, it refers to the activities which hold importance but does not seem like urgent such as relaxation, recreation, exercise and planning. These activities can yield a good result and are often responsible for making significant changes in li fe. Hence, activities of quadrant 2 must be given proper importance. Maslows TimeManagement theory The Maslows theory concerning time management stresses on the needs of the individual. There are tasks which are considered as the basis and must be fulfilled. This is followed by safety, social, esteem and self-actualization. The chief objective of the Maslow's theory is to perform the tasks/activities based on the basic needs and wants of the individual. This means if the individual feel that a certain task needs to be done, then the work needs to be conducted (Matheson et al. 2017). The issue or the downside of the theory is that the utility and the futility of this time management theory rest on the individual. The individual possessing a proper sense of rationale can achieve noticeable benefit from this management method, however, if the individual does not utilise time in a proper way, engaging in inessential activities, then the theoretical idea can lead to reverse results. Pickle Jar Theory The pickle jar theory is one effective theory which is easy to understand and is very useful to conduct effective time management. The concept of the theory is to conduct every kind of activities based on the importance which a particular work holds. It is interesting to stat that this theory is made up using the example of a pickle jar filled with stones, gravels and sands. An empty pickle jar is first filled with stones, followed by gravel. This leaves enough space to be filled up with gravels. Still enough space can be perceived to fill the jar with sand and water. This theory of time is very much helpful to organise and schedule activities based on the work importance. The pickle jar is signified as a single day (Werner, E., Zucker Matzkel, 2013). The rocks signify the most crucial tasks which need to be completed immediately. Fulfilling the important tasks enable the person to perform the lesser important activities which are nevertheless essential. The best thing about the pickle jar theory is that an individual does not need to eliminate the unimportant activities. it is important to note that these trivial activities such as making calls, talking with friends, participating in different types of engagements are very much necessary for an individual. Completing the important tasks enable the individual to perform the other activities. However, if the initial time is spent on the trivial tasks then sufficient time cannot be obtained for the most important tasks. Significance of the TimeManagement Theories There is one common opinion which can be perceived after assessing the theories and that is the factor prioritisation and urgency. The Eisenhower's theory states that only the most important should work should be tone, the rest which is unimportant and inessential must be eradicated from the to-do-list (Chukwu Mahajan, 2014). The Pareto principle is best suited for strategic time management when most work is to be done within a short span of time. Covey's time matrix demonstrates reason and sensibility. The speciality of Coveys is that it highlights the necessity of activities which does not seem urgent but are actually important and can make significant changes in life. Maslows theory is based on human needs and wants. However, the theory is useful for those who possess the necessary rationale to give priority to the activities which are truly important (Forster, 2014). The pickle jar theory is suitable and convenient for every purpose. The unique point of this theory is given impo rtance not only to the most important activities but also to the activities which are less important but are necessary for life. It can be said that the pickle jar theory is considerate and more thoughtful than the other theories. Reflective Report Based upon Theoretical Application of Time Management into the Action Plan Time is that crucial element that surrounds all our activities concerning our personal as well as work lives. Managing this in a well integrated form is suggested in the various theories discussed above. In context with those theoretical bases I shall be able to draw my action plan in a successful manner. All the relevant theories associated with the concept of time management lead to a gross understanding. What I have comprehended the fact that all of theories lead to a common convergent idea of fostering prioritisation of activities (Chase et al. 2013). The first week of the action plan must be utilised to formulate an effective plan to be able to correctly prioritise the activities in order of their significance. The theory postulated by Eisenhower Matrix has given me the basis to classify my activities according to the levels of priority. As a manager it is important for me classify my job roles in accordance with significance. The most urgent works will have to be done in the fi rst place followed by the less urgent. The time that I have to allot for each of these activities should also follow the similar sequence (Nawrot Doucet, 2014). The action plan that I have reformulated must comprise an adequately distributed allocation of time to be able to manage all the tasks with efficacy. Eisenhower is of the view that such works of urgent importance shall be completed within a stipulated span of time. I believe that formulating the creation of the action plan needs to follow this sort of a matrix. It will not only help me to categorically classify my jobs according to the high need to get prioritised but also enable to complete them within a fixed time span (Oettingen et al 2015). Eisenhowers time management matrix has allowed me to plan for developing long-term strategies. I can implement over my management programs within the workplace structure. Using this theory I shall be able to devote adequate amount of time for each of tasks that I take up in course of my scheduled plan. I shall a lot lesser amount of time for the tasks of lower priority (Arends, 2014). Adjacent to my urgent tasks to be performed I also need to accomplish my other works of lower importance. Attending to calls, being active in the different social sites are some among the least prioritised jobs which also need time to be allotted by me. I have initiated the action plan following this theoretical assumption. Time management has never been the major issue of concern for me. My grades were rather affected due to the attitudinal errors regarding the completion of the different tasks. I had always put up till the end of the session to complete my tasks which automatically involved less of hours towards my study (Reigeluth, 2013). The observation I have drawn from the pickle jar theory has helped me immensely to configure the entire structure of my job. This theoretical point of view has supplemented me with the basis to not only plan for long-term management programs but also enabled me to plan on a daily basis. Substantial replacement of the stones with the urgent topics of study as the prime content of importance should my first step towards implementation of this theory in real life (Werner, Zucker Matzkel, . (2013). The hardest of the contents of my study were delayed the most. This theory has transformed my approac h towards accomplishment of any particular tasks. I have not only gained knowledge with respect to management of time but have also identified the area where I lagged behind. My major flaw was procrastination. Every time I confronted with a task having a deadline time attached to it, I would put up the work till the last. Pickle jar theory in a big way has enabled me to reschedule my entire list of activities and prioritise each days plan according to the significance of work. Just as the solid rocks comprise the fundamental ingredient within the jar, the most difficult topics of my study are taken up with utmost priority (Forster, 2014). It has taught me that topics of lesser difficulty should never be held at a lower interest. Just because the topics are little less critical they need not be ignored or given lesser time. No task is treated unimportant while segregation of the tasks is conducted. The gravels constitute the next elements of content within the jar. Just after the mos t crucial part of the study is covered successfully their must be an automatic shift of paradigm. I have rather follow a gradual classification of tasks framing my entire as well as the entire session of the action plan this way (Panek, 2014). Applying the theoretical picture for my real life instance the gravels signify the relatively less crucial study matters. As I already have a grip over those topics a little more methodical and efficient effort on my part shall enable in successful accomplishment of this part. Just as the theory suggests, even after the jar is filled with hard rocks and gravels there remains sufficient space for other materials to get in. Managing time accurately has helped me synchronise each activities so effectively that there automatically remains time in the form of empty space for allocating it to other works. Each of our days comprise of a number of activities, some of great relevance, some moderate and some merely of high significance. The works of least importance also need to be performed each day to maintain a balance the routine thus scheduled. These gaps can never remain empty as it is. The daily chores of work are mostly treated as works of trivial significance (Coetzer et al. 2016). Tasks of daily needs such as keeping touch of with the virtual work through social sites, attending calls, discussing study matters with friends comprise those trivial tasks within my schedule. Although marked as least prioritised activities I shall place them in my jar of routine in place of the sand to fill the empty spaces ion the jar. I have essentially found most amount of effectiveness in this pickle jar theory as could easily establish a relatedness with the views it reflects. I also think that that this kind of framework can gain the widest acceptance in terms of times management and prioritisa tion in diverse sectors. Prioritisation of tasks into formation of a hierarchical segmentation is common viewpoint highlighted by almost all the theorists. I have found convergent yet effective observation from all of the theoretical outcomes. As all my activities are driven by some amount of need associated with it, Maslows Time management theory is found to be highly relatable by me. The prioritisation procedure is ultimately initiated according to my needs of urgency. Moreover, the theory helps me channelise and segregate all my activities in order of my needs. The best part of Maslows conception lies in giving value to the human needs. I have been benefited immensely through this characteristic feature as I have learnt to give equal significance to the activities that satisfy human needs keeping a balance within my bodily homeostasis. By implementing Coveys time matrix to perform activities within my action plan, its strictness has helped me generate discipline within my study (Miller Keenan, 2015). Quality improvement has been possible by segmenting each of my study topics into separate quadrants. Each quadrant is kept mutually exclusive and independent from one another. This has helped me to achieve command over each of the areas of issue with equal significance and priority on a daily basis. Applying these suggested methods to fulfil my action plan I have gained not only expertise over managing time but also learnt to improve and enhance my abilities. The pickle jar technique has been so effective for my studies that even after engaging into my prioritised tasks I still had sufficient time left for revising the entire work. My syllabus course is covered in such a manner that I had time to engage separately to gain in depth knowledge regarding each subject matter (Arends, 2014). I have successful been able to create an adequate framework scheduling the action plan of nine weeks of study. The course of study is not only completed within the stipulated time structure but sufficient time is left remaining for revision. Using the effective theoretical opinions stated by eminent theorists I have successfully been able to accomplish my activities. I have able to overcome by major drawback of procrastinating significant activities till the end of the session (Ziapour et al. 2015 ). Moreover, I have gradually evolved my skills of prioritising by gaining expertise over effective allocation of time as the most valuable resource. This has not only driven me towards devotion of adequate time for adequate tasks, but has eventually developed me towards improvement in my quality of work performed. In the entire span of nine weeks I have been able to implement each of theoretical suggestions in the different stages in relation to their relevance. 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